School Policies, Handbooks & Inspection Reports

A comprehensive list of School Policies, Privacy Notices, Parent Handbooks and Inspection Reports can be viewed below.

Inspection Reports

Manchester High School for Girls is routinely inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This body is overseen by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted).

ISI conducted a School Inspection of Manchester High School for Girls in April 2024.

The new inspection framework provides no qualitative judgements. There are no longer any comments relating to provision being ‘excellent’ or ‘outstanding’; rather, the report focuses on child-centred, holistic summaries of the school’s provision.

It is rare for schools to receive a ‘significant strength’. We are, therefore, delighted that not only have we met all standards required of us as an independent school and therefore ‘passed’, but the following significant strength of the School was noted by inspectors:

“Leaders have high aspirations and have firmly established core values that underpin the school.  This results in a caring, inclusive and diverse community.  Staff are ambitious for the pupils and thread the values of learning, innovation, compassion, wellbeing and individuality through every aspect of school life.  This results in empowered and dynamic pupils who flourish.”

The full report can be read below:

ISI Report 2024

The highlights of the report can be read below:

ISI Report Highlights 2024

Information Booklets


Sixth Form Prospectus

Further Information Booklet

Extra-Curricular Information Booklet

Wellbeing Programme Booklet

Strategic Objectives Document

ISI Inspection Reports Highlights 2024

Parent Handbooks

Reception Parent Handbook

Prep Parent Handbook

Senior Parent Handbook

Sixth Form Parent Handbook

School Policies

Admissions Policy Preparatory Department

Admissions Policy Senior School

Anti-Bullying Policy Preparatory Department

Anti-Bullying Policy Senior School

Behaviour, Discipline and Pastoral Care Preparatory Department Policy

Behaviour, Discipline and Pastoral Care Senior School

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Covid-19 Risk Assessment (January 2022)

Curriculum Policy Preparatory Department

Curriculum Policy Senior School

Data Protection Policy

Ethical Fundraising Policy

Examination Access Arrangements Policy

Expulsion, Removal & Review Policy

Financial Assistance & Scholarships Policy & Procedures

First Aid & Administration of Medicines

Health & Safety Policy

Homework and Home Learning Policy Preparatory Department

Homework Policy Senior School

ICT & E-Safety Policy Preparatory Department

ICT & E-Safety Policy Senior School

Looked After Child Statement

Mental Health Policy

Photography & Videos at School Policy

PSHE & Citizenship Policy Preparatory Department

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy Preparatory Department

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy Senior School

SEN Policy

Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development Policy Preparatory Department

Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development Policy Senior School

Statement concerning Looked After children

Adverse Weather Procedure


Medical Facilities

Privacy Policy

Privacy Notices

Admissions, Development & Marketing


Employees of the School/Applying to join the School


Parents/Guardians of Children

Pupils Over the Age of 13

Visitors & Contractors

The Good Schools Guide Reviews

Pupils are encouraged to blow their own trumpets, and each other's. They're building a sisterhood here.

The Good Schools Guide visited us in March 2017 to review both the Senior School and our Preparatory Department.

You can read the reviews by clicking the links below. Please note that you will need to subscribe to the Good Schools Guide in order to access them.

Manchester High School for Girls Senior School Review

Manchester High School for Girls Preparatory Department Review