School Help Advice Reporting Page System (SHARP)

School Help Advice Reporting Page System (SHARP)

Welcome to Manchester High School for Girl’s 'School Help Advice Reporting Page System' (SHARP). This framework has been put in place, to help you to communicate and share any problems, obstacles, or issues you wish the Pastoral Team to be aware of.

This SHARP system allows you to make an anonymous report about anything that is troubling you or a concern you have on behalf of someone else.

You don't have to leave your details if you don't wish to. However, if you do, then a member of the Pastoral team will contact you discretely via Teams.

Please take the time to look through the following pages by clicking on ‘Menu’ and looking through the drop-down headings.

If you feel that you can help to keep our school a safe, friendly, and fun place to be, you can complete a report by clicking ‘Make A Report’.

If you don’t want your screen to be seen by others – you can click on ‘Hide Page’ at any time and the screen will quickly change.

This is a SAFE way to support YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING.