Head Girl Team & House System

Introducing our Head Girl Team for 2023-24!

Congratulations to Natalie and her team; Arwa, India, Aishah, Tanatswa and Emilia.

They have chosen to focus their work on the theme of 'Empowerment' in the lead-up to and throughout MHSG's 150th year.

Developing Leadership Skills

Our extra-curricular activities provide opportunities to develop leadership skills, work effectively as part of a team and, more importantly, have fun! In addition, there are opportunities to take on leadership roles with our Head Girl Team and House system.

The following list highlights the kinds of leadership roles available to Sixth Formers:

  • Assembly leaders
  • House Captains and Deputy House Captains
  • Head Girl Team
  • Lower School subject clinic helpers
  • Library supervisors
  • Literacy leaders
  • Mentors
  • Form prefects
  • Preparatory Department reading assistants
  • The primary school partnership scheme
  • Preparatory Department Science Club
  • Swimming Assistant

"Within the confines of our school, it is vital to create a culture of self belief: one that places achievement and the celebration of our achievements on an equal standing. I overcame my immense fear of public speaking at Manchester High, I feel empowered - and the opportunity to do so should be extended to every Manchester High pupil.


"For 150 years, Manchester High has been empowering its students, we want to see the continuation of self empowerment beyond the school gates, so that every student can make their mark on the world.


"Theodore Roosevelt famously said: 'Believe that you can, and you’re already halfway there.' This captures the very essence of our theme of Empowerment and what we hope to continue to achieve as we celebrate 150 years of Empowering girls since 1874." - Natalie, current Head Girl.

House System

The House System is very important to the sense of community that exists at Manchester High. Students are allocated a House on arrival and quickly bond with their house peers from across the different year groups.

The Prep and Senior School have their own house systems.

In Prep, staff and students are allocated to one of four houses - Behrens, Gaskell, Roby and Darbishire.

In the Senior School, staff and students are also allocated to one of four houses - Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, Mary Seacole and Ada Lovelace.

Students can earn House Points throughout the academic year by taking part in competitions, music events, sports activities or by producing high quality homework or classroom projects and assignments.

At the end of each week, total house points are added up and displayed within the school.

At the end of each academic year, the final scores are tallied and Head Mistress, Mrs Helen F Jeys, presents the House Cup to the year's winning house captains during the end of year assembly.